Deep Wave 360 and Full Lace Wigs


Slay all day in our Deep Wave 360 and full lace wigs, it will transform you in minutes, with it big and fluffed out curls. It gives you a head of  healthy hair, when wet the curls are amazing. Our full lace wig, all hairs are sewn on the wig cap by hand, can be styled in any way, parted anywhere and make ponytail.

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Our 360 and Full Lace Wigs are the most sorted out collection on the market today!

  • 100% Unprocessed Virgin Hair
  • Baby Hairs Around the Perimeter to make the headline more natural looking
  • Can be curled or straighten
  • Can be worn in high up do’s and ponytail
  • Medium to high luster
  • Can be dyed up #27
  • Available up to 28 inches
  • Available Textures:  Loose Wave. Deep Wave, Indian Straight, Curly

We guarantee our units have little to no shedding/strand loss regardless of texture and wave pattern, with proper care and maintenance.